Lovegood Studio Values
It permeates everything we do.
It’s a passion for life and a compassion for humanity and in the ardent desire to cultivate connection and prosperity for all.
It’s what drives our passion for building businesses that make people’s lives better.
And, have you ever loved anything that was perfect? Of course not.
As Leonard Cohen said, the cracks are where the light gets in.
It will be our choice each day to wholeheartedly embrace and unashamedly celebrate the cracks that will finally allow us to fall deeply in love with this business journey.
Courage is the threshold between a timid life on the sidelines or daring to enter the arena.
You may have noticed that all of life is a messy journey, an experiment.
And it’s my belief that we have but one wild and precious opportunity to exist. Let’s suck the marrow out of it and create the life we’ve always wanted.
Let’s commit to continuously correcting that voice in our heads that insists on how we “should” do it and just mother-fluffin’ do it already.
Let it be wrong. Let it be slow. Let it be messy & imperfect.
The clarity & the alignment will come from the doing.
Brave over perfect. Every time.
The fact that you are here, that you are taking a chance on that thing that lights you up, is cause for massive celebration!
As entrepreneurs we’re so constantly bombarded with ALL THE THINGS we should be doing that it straight up sucks all the joy from the beautiful, life-giving choice that we are making.
Let’s not let it.
What’s stopping us from making this experience joyful and downright FUN?
Nothing. That’s what.
Something goes wrong?
Do one of these 💃, yell “ploooot twist!” and move on.
Towards a more loving world.
Love is love. Trans women are women, trans men are men. Black Lives Matter. Bodily autonomy.
All of it.
“Justice is what love looks like in public” - Cornel West
I want to make sure that my commitment to love is more than just pretty words.
As a cis-gender, neurodivergent (ADHD), white Latin-American woman, I commit to continuing to learn, question, deconstruct and point out racism and prejudice in myself, my organization and others, be open to conflict, discomfort and being called out/in, and continuing to seek out ways to advance equity and accessibility in society in order to help build a truly loving world, free from white heteronormative patriarchy, oppression and hatred.
These values and belief in basic human rights must extend to everything I do, including how I run my business.
One step has been taking the Anti-Racist Small Business Pledge as well as hiring an anti-oppression consultant to review my business and website. Please contact me if there is anything you’d like to discuss! ♥︎
Learn more about “Love it Forward”
You can also contact me to discuss payment plans to assist in making this investment in your business.